Summer Packing List

This is a list of items that may be useful during your summer at Rosario:

  • Bedding (sheets, blankets, pillow) for a single bed (your room will have bunk beds)
  • Towels, washcloth (bring an extra towel for beach activities)
  • Bike (mountain or road)
  • Softball glove (we have a leisurely game on a couple of Sunday afternoons)
  • “Portable” musical instrument (guitar, violin, flute, etc.)
  • 手电筒
  • Passport (if you plan to cross the U.S./Canada border)
  • 双筒望远镜
  • Sleeping bag (for field trips)
  • 吊床
  • 一天包
  • 水瓶
  • Hiking boots/shoes
  • Grungy boots/shoes that can get wet and muddy
  • Shoes for basketball
  • 人字拖
  • Coat/sweatshirts/fleece (mornings and evenings can be quite chilly)
  • 防雨外套
  • Computer (desktop or laptop; we have a full computer lab if you are not able to bring your computer)
  • 太阳镜
  • 游泳装
  • Something nice to wear (but not too formal) for church
  • Photos of exotic places (if you spent time overseas, we may ask you to give a fun talk)